Jade Ring Banner

Our Material: Plain & Carved Rings

Every ring, whether ornately carved or elegantly plain, is a testament to our unparalleled quality. Our jadeite, crafted into rings, not only graces the hand but also tells a story of enduring allure and unmatched durability.

Jade Rings resting on raw jade rocks
2 carved jade rings resting on a black ring stand

In the simplest of bands or the most intricate of carvings, lies a spirit. From the deliberate choice of jade to the inspiration steering its transformation, every ring whispers tales of timeless beauty and elegance.

Our Jade is Certified Grade A Fei Cui Jadeite by the HKJSL

At Jade Vault, authenticity isn't just a claim; it's a promise. Each of our rings, carved or plain, is made from certified Grade A Fei Cui Jadeite, an assurance of genuine artistry and uncompromising quality.

Verified Quality Jade

Internationally Certified

Natural Purity

Fei Cui Jade Testing Certification

A Celebration of Artisanal Brilliance

Our rings are more than adornments; they're masterpieces. Molded by native Chinese artisans with decades of experience, each ring is a harmonious blend of age-old tradition and contemporary aesthetics.

Jade Rings – Versatility Personified

Whether you seek the understated elegance of a plain band or the ornate brilliance of carved designs, our jade rings offer versatility in its finest form, making them the perfect fit for varied tastes and occasions.

Commercial jade plain ringUtility jade plain RingGlowing Carved jade ring, lit by a small torchIlluminated jade ring

Plain Rings

Minimalism meets elegance. Each plain jade ring stands as a symbol of pure class, serenity, and timeless beauty.

Carved Rings

Experience grandeur hand-in-hand with tradition. Our carved rings reflect stories, dreams, and the unparalleled prowess of our master carvers.

Carved jade ringGlowing Carved jade ring, lit by a small torchCarved singular jade ring in black backgroundCarved jade ring lit with a torch


Explore the frequently asked questions to get a better grasp of what we can do for you.

Carved vs. Plain: What's the difference in quality?

The distinction lies in design and artistry. Both our carved and plain rings are crafted from the same high-quality jadeite, ensuring consistent excellence across our collection.O

Can I order rings in different sizes?

Absolutely. We cater to a wide range of sizes to fit diverse clientele needs. If you have specific requirements, please let us know.

Do I receive discounts for large orders?

Indeed. We offer a structured pricing system for larger orders. Kindly reach out for specific details.

Can I request custom carvings or designs?

Certainly. Our artisans excel in transforming visions into reality. Share your design aspirations, and we'll guide you through the bespoke order process.

How are the rings packaged for delivery?

Given the precious nature of jade and its intricate designs, we employ secure packaging and efficient shipping methods, ensuring safe delivery.

Can I view samples before a substantial purchase?

Of course. We understand the essence of firsthand experience. We're happy to provide samples to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Gallery: See Our
Jade in Action

A mashup of jade products

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